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ICR RSE Community

A Research Software Engineer is someone who develops software for research. This includes people who write software to analyse data (including data from simulations), develop software to control experiments, run analysis pipelines, and develop software to enable research such as databases and visualisation software.

The ICR RSE Community aims to bring people together who may work individually across different research groups to share expertise and support.

Are you a Research Software Engineer?

These questions have been posed by the UKRSE to see if you are an RSE.

Should you be a Research Software Engineer?

Look at this article on 10 reasons to be an RSE!

Join the ICR RSE Community

  • There is an RSE professional body: UKRSE which you can join.
  • There is a UKRSE slack group which is a great place to ask questions and share expertise.
  • There is an channel on the ICR slack group which is for ICR RSEs to share expertise and ask questions.
  • Come along to any of the RSE Community events to meet other ICR RSEs and find out more about the community.